Responsible for the Webpage on the German Institute in Venice 1944-1945 (2023) is Dr. Giulio Salvati, Ph.D. Dr. Salvati is a historian and former fellow at the Deutsches Studienzentrum/Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani. This website was built with Omeka and Knightlab. It relies on research published in Dr. Salvati's article "Dangerous Nazis"- Albert Prinzing und das Deutsche Institut in Venedig 1944-1945, forthcoming, in a volume edited by the current Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venice. Additional Bibliographical Information can be found under every Protagonist who shaped the Institute's history during World War II.

Since each protagonist wrote as an organization (DAAD, German Institute, etc.), personal data protection does not apply to the authors whose worldview is presented here. Thus, the German DSGVO, Art. 9, does not apply.

According to the DSGVO, the publication and indexing of OCR digitizations taking place in this project must be subject to "appropriate safeguards for the rights and freedoms of data subjects under this Regulation when processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes [...]." (DSGVO, Art. 89).

Derived from this and considering that the publishing houses reproduced in the documents ceased to exist in 1945, we acknowledge an inalienable "right to erasure" or "Recht auf Löschung." This right is also extended to family members (i.e., protecting the memory of a person who has died, like all our protagonists).

The existing archival regulations have been taken into consideration.

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